About Us
PFC Worship is a multiethnic group of worshippers committed to globally sharing the message of Jesus Christ through song. We are offering a fresh response to divine goodness - the wonders of our God which is a resounding affirmation of the completed work of Christ. We are a cross cultural group with a single message, Jesus.
PFC Worship is comprised of artists, musicians, producers, singers, songwriters, collaborators, and creatives from many nations. We are passionate about celebrating the global church and experiencing a foretaste of heaven here on earth.

We are committed to making known the ways of God through song, artistically expressing the manifold goodness of God as nations join in praise to Our King.
All the nations you made will come and bow before you, Lord; they will praise your holy name. For you are great and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God.
-Psalm 86:9-10

Talking With My Father | PFC Worship Sessions Vol. 2 LIVE | Feat. Linnea Paulsen
Our mandate is to awaken the hearts of people to the reality of heaven in which all nations tribes and tongues will be bowing together before Our King.